The Short Boobnary code

Each character is encoded as two hex digits. Each hex digit is encoded with a string from the following table of eboobicons:

0  (.)(.)  Oriental           8  (v)(v)  nursing mother
1  (o)(o)  European           9  \./\./  ancient crone
2  (O)(O)  Mediterranean      A  [*][*]  bad augmentation job
3  (@)(@)  African            B  <#\/#>  padded armor bra
4  (*)(*)  cold shower        C  /.\/.\  bikini top
5  ($)($)  exotic dancer      D  (o\/o)  sweater girl
6  (^)(^)  Polynesian teen    E  \^)(^/  push up bra
7  (%)(o)  nipple stud        F  |."".|  sheer blouse

This code has a relatively high inclusion ratio of approximately 0.5 broad. The disadvantage of this code is that it is too weak to be of any practical protection value, but slightly too strong to conveniently decrypt without the key.

Sample message:

($)($)(o)(o) (@)(@)[*][*] (O)(O)(.)(.) ($)($)(%)(o) (^)(^)(v)(v) (%)(o)\./\./ 
(O)(O)(.)(.) (^)(^)(*)(*) (^)(^)|."".| (O)(O)(.)(.) (^)(^)(O)(O) (^)(^)/.\/.\ 
(^)(^)|."".| (^)(^)\^)(^/ (^)(^)(*)(*) (^)(^)($)($) (%)(o)(@)(@) (O)(O)(.)(.) 
(^)(^)(v)(v) (^)(^)(o)(o) (%)(o)(^)(^) (^)(^)($)($) (O)(O)(.)(.) (^)(^)(O)(O) 
(^)(^)|."".| (^)(^)|."".| (^)(^)(O)(O) (^)(^)\./\./ (^)(^)($)($) (%)(o)(@)(@) 

(*)(*)(o)(o) (@)(@)[*][*] (O)(O)(.)(.) ($)($)(*)(*) (^)(^)|."".| (O)(O)(.)(.) 
(^)(^)(O)(O) (%)(o)(O)(O) (^)(^)\./\./ (^)(^)\^)(^/ (^)(^)(%)(o) (O)(O)(.)(.) 
(^)(^)(o\/o) (^)(^)($)($) (^)(^)\^)(^/ (O)(O)(.)(.) (^)(^)(*)(*) (^)(^)|."".| 
(%)(o)(%)(o) (^)(^)\^)(^/ (O)(O)(.)(.) (%)(o)(*)(*) (^)(^)|."".| (O)(O)(.)(.) 
(%)(o)(*)(*) (^)(^)(v)(v) (^)(^)($)($) (^)(^)\./\./ (%)(o)(O)(O) (O)(O)(.)(.) 
(^)(^)\./\./ (^)(^)\^)(^/ (%)(o)(*)(*) (^)(^)($)($) (^)(^)/.\/.\ (^)(^)/.\/.\ 
(^)(^)($)($) (^)(^)(@)(@) (%)(o)(*)(*) (%)(o)($)($) (^)(^)(o)(o) (^)(^)/.\/.\ 
(O)(O)(.)(.) (^)(^)/.\/.\ (^)(^)($)($) (%)(o)(^)(^) (^)(^)($)($) (^)(^)/.\/.\ 

The Long Boobnary code

Any eboobicons may be used to encode the message. The bits of the message are mapped between the ebooby symbols, using no space == zero and space, or sometimes underscore or other extra character, == one. In the sample below, the message is considered as 7-bit ASCII instead of 8-bit bytes, and the eboobicons are selected randomly from the Short Code set plus a few more:

(_)(_)  somewhat obese     { )( }  reclining
(o)(?)  nipple ring        {\__/}  evening gown

This code has a relatively low inclusion ratio of approximately 0.14 broad. This code is obviously not meant to protect the message contents. Most technicians will be able to decode this on sight, so it is suitable for facetious postings.

Sample message:

(o\_/o)(@) (@)[*][*]{\___/}  (_)(_) (*) (*) <#\/#> |."".|  (^)(^) (v)(v)(.)(.)<#\/#>  
(^) (^){\___/}<#\_/#> {\___/}  <#\_/#> |."".| { )( }(o)(o)  (@) (@) (o\_/o) ($)($){\___/}  
(%)(o) <#\/#>\^)(^/(.)(.)  [*] [*] (v)(v)(_)(_)(^) (^)  (o) (?) (.) (.){ )( } (%)(o)  
(@) (@) { )( }(o) (o)(_) (_)  (%)(o) (v)(v)/.\/.\\./\./  |.""".| [*][*]\^)(^/ (*)(*)  
\./ \./ (O)(O) /.\_/.\{\__/}  \./ \./ \^)(^/ /.\_/.\ { ) ( }  (o) (o) (_)(_) { ) ( } [*][*]  
(*) (*) (^)(^)(.) (.)[*][*]  (v) (v) (%)(o)|.""".|(o\_/o)  |."".| [*][*](o)(o)(O)(O)  
\./ \./ { )( } |."".| (o\/o)  (_) (_) [*][*] /.\_/.\ (^) (^)  (*) (*) ($)($) /.\/.\ (O) (O)  
{ ) ( } (v)(v)(o) (?)[*] [*]  /.\_/.\ ($) ($)(o\/o) (_) (_)  (o)(o) \^)(^/(@)(@)(o)(o)  
<#\_/#> (@) (@)(o)(o) { ) ( }  \./ \./ (.)(.) |.""".| <#\_/#>  (_)(_) (o)(?)($)($)(v)(v)  
(.) (.) {\___/}{ )( } |.""".|  (*) (*) (O)(O) (^)(^)(_)(_)  (%) (o) (o)(o) (@) (@) \^)_(^/  
($) ($) (@) (@)(o)(o) (_)(_)  {\___/} ($) ($)\^)_(^/{ )( }  (o\/o) (@) (@) [*] [*] (v) (v)

<#\_/#>(%)(o)(O)(O)($) ($)  (o\/o) (o) (o) [*][*] (.)(.)  <#\/#> [*][*](o)(o)(o)(?)  
(*) (*)\^)_(^/(o)(?) \^)_(^/  ($) ($) (o)(?) (^) (^) (*) (*)  (^)(^) <#\/#>(o)(?)\./\./  
(%) (o) \./\./ (o\_/o)(O) (O)  (*) (*) (o)(o)(@) (@)(o\_/o)  {\___/} (o)(o) ($) ($) \^)(^/  
(^)(^) (@)(@)(v)(v)|."".|  (_) (_) (*)(*)(o\/o) (@) (@)  \./ \./ (o)(?)/.\/.\(_) (_)  
\./ \./ (%)(o) { ) ( } (v)(v)  (*)(*) (@)(@)(o)(o)\^)(^/  (.) (.) \./ \./($)($) (o)(o)  
(@) (@) [*][*]|.""".|(O) (O)  <#\_/#> { )( } (o) (?)(^) (^)  [*] [*] |."".|(v) (v)\./ \./  
(o\_/o) (.)(.) \./ \./(%) (o)  (^) (^) [*][*](.)(.) (o\/o)  (O) (O) (o)(o)\^)_(^/{\___/}  
\./ \./ ($) ($){ )( } ($)($)  (v)(v) {\__/}(.)(.)|."".|  (%) (o) /.\_/.\(o\_/o)(O)(O)  
(*) (*) ($)($) |."".|(.)(.)  ($) ($) (.)(.)[*] [*]|.""".|  (^) (^) (o)(o) |.""".|($) ($)  
<#\/#> (O)(O)<#\/#>(%)(o)  (@) (@) (o)(o){\___/}(o) (?)  \^)_(^/ [*] [*]{\___/} ($)($)  
|.""".| (o)(o)(v) (v)<#\_/#>  |.""".| \^)(^/ (_) (_) |."".|  \^)(^/ (o)(o)(*)(*)[*][*]  
(O) (O) \^)(^/ (o)(o)(.) (.)  (%) (o) \^)(^/ ($) ($) {\__/}  (^)(^) (@)(@)(O)(O)(^)(^)  
/.\_/.\ (v) (v)($) ($)(.)(.)  /.\_/.\ (*)(*) \./\./(^)(^)  { ) ( } (_)(_)|.""".|(o) (?)  
(%)(o) [*][*]\./\./(_)(_)  (O) (O) \./ \./{ )( }\^)(^/  { ) ( } \./ \./\^)(^/ \./\./  
<#\_/#> (^)(^)(*) (*)(@) (@)  (o\_/o) { ) ( }(o)(?) (^) (^)  (O) (O) (*)(*)\./ \./[*] [*]  
(O) (O) (o)(o) {\___/} (.)(.)  (^) (^) (%)(o)(^)(^) (.) (.)  ($) ($) (o\/o)(*) (*)|.""".|  
(o\/o) \./\./(%)(o){ )( }  ($) ($) (o)(?) ($) ($) (@) (@)  (o) (o) { )( }(v) (v) [*][*]  
(O)(O) (_)(_)(@)(@)(o)(?)  <#\_/#> (.)(.)(O)(O) |."".|  \^)_(^/ (^)(^) (.) (.) (%) (o)  
(@) (@) (%)(o) (v) (v) (o) (o)  (v) (v) (o)(o){\__/} (^)(^)  (_) (_) {\__/} (^)(^)|.""".|  
(@) (@) { )( }(%) (o)($) ($)  (v) (v) (o) (o)<#\/#> |.""".|  (_)(_) (@)(@) ($) ($) (.)(.)

First few chars of sample message decoded:

(o\_/o)(@) (@)[*][*]{\___/}  (_)(_) (*) (*) <#\/#> |."".|  (^)(^) (v)(v)(.)(.)<#\/#>  
   1   0  1   0  0  0  1 = Q    0  1   1   1   0  1   0 = :   0  1   0  0  0  0  0 = space
(^) (^){\___/}<#\_/#> {\___/}  <#\_/#> |."".| { )( }(o)(o)  (@) (@) (o\_/o) ($)($){\___/}
   1   0  1   0  1   1   1 = W    1   1   0  1   0  0  0 = h   1   1   1   1   0  0  1 = y