Legolas Harrow



The following information comes mainly from Richard R. Ward's seminal site '', on the section "Dr. Frank's Anatomy of a Sim". I paraphrase Dr. Frank's work here in order to introduce some terms and names that I use in the next section.
The integer names, eg. BONECT, and the table names, eg. BoneNames, are assigned by me for pedagogical purposes. 'str' = character string, 'int' = integer, 'fp' = floating point (rational) number, '16int16' = special integer format.

# lines data format table name data meaning
1 str eigen file name
1 str default texture file name
1 int BONECT, bone name count
BONECT str BoneNames bone name
1 int FACECT, facet count
FACECT int, int, int Facets vertex 1, vertex 2, vertex 3
1 int BMAPCT, bone map count
BMAPCT int, int, int, int, int BoneMaps bone number, vertex begin, vertex count, blend begin, blend count
1 int UVMAPS, UV map count
UVMAPS fp, fp UVMaps UV X fraction, UV Y fraction
1 int BLENDS, blend data count
BLENDS int, 16int16 Blends influenced vertex, blend weight
1 int VECTCT, vector count
VECTCT fp, fp, fp, fp, fp, fp Vectors point vector X, Y, Z, normal vector X, Y, Z

The 'eigen file name' is the name of the file containing it, without the .SKN extension.

The 'default texture file name' is the name of a .BMP file without the .BMP extension. (The .BMP file must be 64x64, 128x128, or 256x256 pixels, 8b paletted.) No error is signalled if the .BMP file cannot be found. Most developers put 'x' on this line when they want to indicate no default specified. Generally, the default texture file name determines what gets mapped onto the mesh, but if the skin file is the first referenced in a character (.cmx) file, the default texture file name will be ignored.

In BoneNames, the bones may be listed in any order. Apparently the order must correspond either to the record order of BoneMaps or the 'bone number' values in BoneMaps, but see BoneMaps below.

In Facets, the facets are one-sided. The order of the facet records is not significant. The vertices of a facet are listed clockwise from the viewable side. The choice of starting vertex is not significant (eg 4 10 6, 10 6 4, and 6 4 10 are all equivalent).

In BoneMaps, 'bone number' appears to be a repeat of the record number. If this is not redundant, it is probably an index into BoneNames. Simshow ignores this number and requires BoneNames and BoneMaps to be in the same order.

Every vertex is bound to a bone. (Any vertex floating around without a bone cannot be animated, and would probably cause very strange rendering artifacts, or just crash the game.)

'Vertex begin' and 'vertex count' describe a range of records in UVMaps, and a corresponding range of records in Vectors. For an empty range, 'vertex begin' = -1 and 'vertex count' = 0.

'Blend begin' and 'blend count' describe a range of records in Blends, while 'blend begin' + UVMAPS and 'blend count' describe a corresponding range of records in Vectors. For an empty range, 'blend begin' = -1 and 'blend count' = 0.


Dr. Frank does not describe the use of the blend data. I have derived the following from a close examination of several of the skins included in The Sims game, plus numerous experiments with SimShow and TheSims.
There are several good ways to describe the blend data. One way is to consider that Vectors is actually the concatenation of two lists. The first, with length UVMAPS (ie. corresponding to the length of UVMaps), is the list of vertices that will actually be rendered, describing facets that recieve texture pixels. The second, beginning at record number UVMAPS with length BLENDS (ie. corresponding to the length of Blends), is a list of points that exist only to pull visible vertices out of position.

Each Blends record associates a point from the second list with a vertex from the first list.

The point record from the second list is located by adding UVMAPS to the record number of the blend data. This is the "anchor" point, which exerts a pull on the selected vertex. The vertex record from the first list is given by 'influenced vertex' in the blend data record. This is the "target" vertex, which will be pulled out of its calculated position by the blend.

'Blend weight', the second integer in the blend data record, represents the strength of the displacing force. R. R. Ward reports that the displacing force is recorded in "16.16 fixed point format", but doesn't say what that means. Here are some guesses:

'16' refers to the number of decimal digits; 16 significant of which 16 are fractional. Interpret by moving the decimal point leftward 16 places. '16' refers to the number of binary digits; 16 significant of which 16 are fractional. Interpret by dividing by 2^16 (65536).
file record interpretation
40   14217 40   0.0000000000014217
41   13995 41   0.0000000000013995
42   13472 42   0.0000000000013472
83   19660 83   0.000000000001966
85   6553 85   0.0000000000006553
97   7281 97   0.0000000000007281
45   13107 45   0.0000000000013107
46   15975 46   0.0000000000015975
47   16372 47   0.0000000000016372
51   15715 51   0.0000000000015715
11   9830 11   0.000000000000983
file record interpretation
40   14217 40   0.216934204101563
41   13995 41   0.213546752929688
42   13472 42   0.20556640625
83   19660 83   0.29998779296875
85   6553 85   0.0999908447265625
97   7281 97   0.111099243164063
45   13107 45   0.199996948242188
46   15975 46   0.243759155273438
47   16372 47   0.24981689453125
51   15715 51   0.239791870117188
11   9830 11   0.149993896484375

In any case, you only have to know the exact interpretation if you are writing simshow, simpose, etc. When creating a .SKN file, you just tweak the numbers until your character mesh looks good when animated.
In the diagrams below, the blue tables represent data read in from the .SKN file and the yellow table represents data calculated for each new animation frame. The program seems to use the blend data like this:
  1. Animate the skeleton.

    Move each bone to its new co-ordinate position and rotation.

    Result: bone position and orientation list 'BonePosns' indexed by name.

  2. Scan the bone map list BoneMaps.

    For each record, use 'bone number' to locate a record in BoneNames, and use 'bone name' to locate a record in BonePosns -- or something like that. Use the position and orientation data from the BonePosns record to calculate a 3D point mapping.

    Use 'vertex begin' and 'vertex count' from the BoneMaps record to identify a set of records in Vectors. Map each vector in the set, writing the result into the corresponding position in a new vector list 'Points'.

    Use 'blend begin' + UVMAPS and 'blend count' from the BoneMaps record to identify a set of records in Vectors. Map each vector in the set, writing the result into the corresponding position in a new vector list 'Points'.

    Result of scan: repositioned vector list 'Points' with structure and record count identical to Vectors.

  3. Scan the blend data list Blends.

    For each record, use the record number + UVMAPS to find a record in Points; this is the "anchor" point. Use 'influenced vertex' to find a record in Points; this is the "target" vertex. Use the anchor point and 'blend weight' to modify the target vertex.

    The modification calculation is:

       TARGET = TARGET + ( TARGET - ANCHOR ) * weight

    Where 'ANCHOR' and 'TARGET' are vectors, and 'weight' is a scalar.

    I don't know if the normal vector numbers from the anchor point record are used. The normal vectors could be combined via the same calculation as used on the point vectors, but it seems like a lot of extra work for something that would have such a tiny effect on the facet illumination.

  4. Continue processing.

    Scan the Facets list, using the triplets to index into UVMaps and 'Points', etc.

I have managed to use the blend data to cause an 'appliance' skin -- a crude pair of wings -- to flex and stretch when the Sim walks or sits. I hope to post more on this later.